Saturday, November 5, 2011

Assignment - Freyja's Point of View

Freyja -- A Norse Goddess

Imagine yearning for something so fully, so completely that the mere thought of never obtaining it makes your heart lurch in a peculiar, unfamiliar pain. The object is within reach, close enough to touch, yet no matter how far you stretch your arm, your fingertips do little more than lightly brush against its surface. Even then, that small connection is a stroke of luck, a chance occurrence that others would envy. I should know. A piece of jewelry unlike any other beckoned to me deep within a cave. I knew that if anyone were to touch the most beautiful necklace in existence, I, too, would fall victim to wretched feelings, such as jealousy or possession. The moment my gaze fell upon the beautiful example craftsmanship, I found myself drawn to the intricate swirls of metal and gold. My heart thrummed with need. I understood that I desired to take the necklace and have it as my own. If not, then I would suffer from a feeling of utter desolation.

Those four awful dwarves refused to aid in alleviating my pain. As I stood in the warm glow of the furnace, I sensed their eyes sweeping over my body, taking in every curve. They were smitten with me; that much I knew even as my eyes locked on the necklace.  Alfrigg, Dvalin, Berling, and Grerr, I believe, were their names, and they were greedy men with great requests. All four creatures denied my offers of gold and silver when I attempted to purchase the living jewelry. They wished for something more, something many males often demanded from me. Several males have attempted to woo me, but none were greeted with success. Never before had I imagined that a dwarf would win my empty affections, let alone four of their race in four consecutive nights. But that necklace was calling to me as it sparkled in the roaring flames of the furnace. I wanted it. I needed it. If laying with dwarves would allow me to wear the gold around my neck, I was willing to give in to whatever was wished of me. 

Though, I must say, what disgusting and foul creatures these dwarves were! I felt nausea swell within me as I imagined laying with Alfrigg. Or Dvalin. Or Berling. Or Greer. I could hardly tell one ugly face apart from another and all four men shared a similar expression. The greed dancing within their eyes was almost a tangible thing. I felt myself flush as I glanced away. If standing here, looking at these men was a struggle, then how would I ever be able to spend one night alone with each male? How would I be able to overlook their pallid features and misshapen forms? They were vulgar. But the necklace… Oh, the necklace. Laying with these men for four nights was a small price to pay if I could own the necklace for all of eternity. I loathed the dwarves for treating me as the object of their fantasies, but I already made my decision. I had no shame in laying with them. No shame at all. Only disgust. This was payment, nothing more, and once I finished with the dwarves, I would never need to look upon their unsightly faces again. Once four nights passed, the dwarves fastened the necklace around my neck. I again grew flushed as their hands wandered. I made no comment, believing that speech would only drag out our meeting. Finally, finally, the necklace rested against my throat where it belonged. I hurried out of the cave, my cloak pulled around me tightly, planning never to return again. When I reached my bed, I fell into a deep slumber. The stress of the dwarves and the thought of their malformed faces must have tired me out more than I originally believed.

When I awoke in the morning, I lifted my hand and brushed my fingers against my throat. When my fingertips touched nothing but soft, bare skin, I sat upright and then jumped out of bed. Four days. I spent four days and four nights with the foul dwarves in order to attain my necklace. I allowed them to have their way with my body. It is true that I did not feel shame those nights, but I knew that all my efforts would be rewarded. Now that my necklace was gone, I felt nothing but fury for whoever dared to steal it from me. Loki was responsible. The trickster god was the only one who could manage to enter my room without forcing my door open. I felt myself flush again as my eyes began to fill with gold. The guilt began to set in. Loki would not have entered my room without a reason. Odin must have ordered him to fetch my necklace. But how would he know? My hand trembled as I fingered my neck again. How would he know about my treasure and my greed? Anger quickly chased away my other emotions.

I bolted from my room and hurried to Valaskjalf. There, I confronted Odin and my suspicions became truths. He informed me that I could take the necklace back into my possession as long as I followed one condition. I whipped my head around and watched him in silence as thoughts flitted through my mind. How could he possibly understand the anger coursing through me? I was the one who lowered my standards and allowed four dwarves to take me. I was the one who cherished the necklace as much as my life. The way that he looked at me only succeeded in infuriating me further.  But, I did not respond. As badly as I wished to speak, I did not utter a word. There was still a chance to win back my necklace. I was not willing to ruin my one last chance, for then everything else with the dwarves would have been for nothing. I would not allow that.

Odin's demands were preposterous. He spoke of hatred, war, and reanimating corpses. It was my duty to start a war within Midgard that would not end. At first, I assumed that he was testing me and simply stared, but he did not elaborate further. Allowing kings in Midgard to fight against one another for as long as Odin dictated seemed less revolting than looking at dwarves. I agreed to the condition and was rewarded with the treasure I sought.

I am Freyja, Goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. I am one of the fairest of the goddesses and am loved by many. Men tend to worship me and some wish to take my hand in marriage. Sometimes, a man's lust will benefit the gods, though I dislike giants who wish to control me. It matters little to me if the walls around Asgard were rebuilt on a bet or that Thor regained Mjollnir. Yes, I understand that we need Mjollnir to keep the giants at bay and that the walls also help keep the giants of Jotenheim away from the gods, but I dislike being the object of desire used when my peers feel like bargaining. Some also associate me with gold, war, and death. I have a gift for witchcraft and have taught the craft to those I deemed worthy. My carriage is a recognizable image since it is drawn by two cats. Most importantly, though, I am now complete. I have my necklace and it will never stray away from my throat again.