Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Beginning

It is my opinion that it is easier for one to express him or herself through writing than through oral speech. Through the use of text, we may share past experiences, knowledge, and thought processes. There is a simplicity in typing, though the material shared may be complex in nature. Originally, the assignment given in class was to create a blog and post answers to a question provided within the syllabus. However, that was merely the seed planted, a necessary beginning for blossoming creativity.

I hope that my thoughts provided within this blog are both entertaining and informative. If I come across anything interesting that I deem fascinating, I will post a new entry about the topic. Keep in mind, if you have somehow stumbled upon this blog through a web search (or, if you are one of my nosy friends, heh), that these entries will coincide with a class on mythology and fairy tales offered at the community college that I attend. 

There really isn't a creative reason behind the name of this blog. Since this is a class about mythology, I wanted to incorporate the term "mythical" in some way. By itself, the word lacked something so I tacked on "musings" since this is a place for my thoughts. Some of the posts here may not exactly be 'deep thoughts,' but I thought that the blog's name was suitable enough. The first entry on here will be my assignment for class. Thank you for stopping by!

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