Monday, September 12, 2011

Assignment - A Tale from Aphrodite's Point of View

Hephaestus, Ares, and Aphrodite
Aphrodite Speaks

Oh, how handsome he looks, cheeks flushed with desire, breath passing through reddened lips. His eyes portray his lust, sparkling in the warm light. The whisper of his breath caresses my cheek as he murmurs gentle words. Tonight, he wishes to woo me. I watch him for a moment, words dancing upon the tip of my tongue, but I remain silent. Compared to Hephaestus, well, it would be a lie to allude at any existing comparisons between the two. Where my husband is lame and repulsive, Ares is young, beautiful, and romantic. His hands are soft, yet tough, unlike Hephaestus' fingers that are only horribly calloused from his labors.

The words that soon reach my ears pull me away from my thoughts and my lips quirk as I breathe in Ares' scent. "Sweetheart, off we go to snuggle down in the blankets," he murmurs, "Your husband? By now, he must be in Lemnos, amusing himself with the Sintian women, with voices like crows." I laugh and shake my head as my fingers brush against his offered hand. The women in Lemnos will find not one redeeming quality in my husband and even if one lady somehow finds him attractive, not much will happen. It is a shame Hephaestus is so enthralled with me. He does not understand love as I do.

Ares leads me to my bed, his fingers clenching my palm in possession. He need not worry, for tonight, I am his until my husband returns from his travels. I dearly hope that the man will find belonging in Lemnos and refuse to return for many more nights, but I know of his dedication to me. If only Ares were as passionate and found me before I was betrothed to the lame god. I would not mind being committed to him. He is a fierce warrior and a worthy lover. Yes, if only Hephaestus found a woman in Lemnos to take his hand…

Ares releases me, climbs into bed, lays on his back, and holds an arm out to beckon me forward. A romp with him would be amusing if the look on his face is any indication. Smiling, I take his hand and drift forward, bringing my body close to his. He relinquishes my hand to rake his fingers through my long, golden hair. Already, his fingers are affecting me in a way any part of Hephaestus' body never could. I close my eyes and snuggle with him, one of my legs draping over his groin. My lips find his chest and press a kiss upon his hard muscles. All is perfect until I hear a sound.

I try to throw my head back, but cannot move. Frantically, I glance around the room, trying to comprehend my immobility. It takes a moment, but during one optical sweep of the room, I see threads as fine as a spider's web ensnaring my lover and myself, but I cannot be positive. No, I must not have imagined it. A trap! Who would dare to take me prisoner within my own bed? Ares stiffens so I attempt to look into his eyes, but cannot move my head enough to see his face. He is angry. Or upset. Curse this wretched net! This is Hephaestus' handiwork!

As if summoned by my thought alone, I hear the voice of the person I least wish to see and clench my teeth behind my closed lips. He planned this. He knew. He knew! If he questioned my motives, he should have held voiced his thoughts to me alone. It would not have done him any good, but speaking is more acceptable than this insult. And he wonders why I have chosen Ares over him. The God of war and battle would never do something so underhanded and infuriating. Hephaestus is lame and will never be anything ore than an embarrassment with a funny gait.

Murmurs fill the room. Of course. Hephaestus would not shout of his victory if he were alone (though, he is rather peculiar). My cheeks grow heated with embarrassment and anger. What is it that this insolent man seeks? Approval? Retribution? Time in bed with me? I will not grant him anything of the sort.

I can decipher some of the voices. Only the masculine gods are present. It makes sense. Gawking at a nude woman in the midst of a romantic interlude would be below the women. So this is what Hephaestus yearns for--pity or other nonsense. I wrinkle my nose and listen, wary of the outcome. Both Hermes and Apollo seem to approve of my affair and speak of Ares' position in jest. Hermes seems to wish that he were as lucky as Ares is and I cannot help but feel a swell of pride at the words. Given the way my lover still has not yet unclenched his muscles of yet spoken, it is evident he does not feel the same. My initial flash of pride is chased away by a flare of anger. How dare he? How dare Hephaestus interfere?

My emotions race, anger, embarrassment, and sorrow each competing for dominance. Finally, we are released from the trap after interference from Poseidon. Ares diverts his gaze and pushed me away as I sit. Neither of us speak as we move in silence. He leaves after that, fleeing from this scene, I would assume. I stand up straight, hold my head high, and exit the room. My shrine in Cyprian Paphos beckons me. There, I may relax and cleanse myself with ambrosial oil while I attempt to forget that unworthy husband of mine.


  1. (Ares Perspective)
    How dare that crippled Hephaestus trick us! The God of war, and the Goddess of Love! His jealousy has lead him to disgrace. In the attempt to mock us, he himself is mocked! O how the embarrassment strikes me harder than any spear! I may have fled but i will have my revenge on that pathetic smith!

  2. Very good blog Heather!, i can tell you put forth a lot of effort! keep up the good work!

  3. I really love your writing. I'm so engaged while reading I hardly want it to end! I hope you follow your dreams of becoming a writer, you really have a talent! :)

  4. (Hephaestus)

    I have a feeling that beautiful goddess of mine is up to no good and I'm motivated to catch her in the act for it is not possible for the most beautiful goddess to stay faithful to the crippled likes of me.

    I'm almost there, I can sense the betrayal. I've set a trap for my Aphrodite, what other choice do I have? I must show the others how deceiving she really is.

    Many of the Gods are already present when I arrive, Poseidon, Hermes, and even Apollo. I know they will have my back in this situation...and then I see them from love entangled in my trap with Ares. I knew it! I was right and now everyone will see!

  5. Thank you so much. You both are so very kind. I'm really glad that you enjoy what I wrote. It really means a lot. You have no idea how much this made me smile. =)

  6. Okay, this is an amazing version of this story! I really enjoyed reading how you said words. I also think you chose well with your pictures. It is a wonderful story Miss. Musings :)

  7. I'm glad that you like it, 'Apollo!' I really had fun writing this from her point of view and I hoped that it showed through my words.
