Sunday, September 11, 2011

Who Am I?

Who Am I? 
From the point of view of a Goddess

Ah, look at them down there, pining over one another. Neither one is strong enough to admit what ails them so. With just one push, the relationship would form. Just one. It is tempting, so tempting, but they are wrong for one another. That maiden over there would be better. Yes, those two will do. Now, I must--Ah.

There he is, the king who once stole my heart, now forever lame from a lightning bold. Even in his state, he is still more worthy than that petulant fool of a husband. He knew how to treat a woman. I wish I could release myself from this bind, but the other gods will hear nothing of it. Even after that humiliating experience where I was ensnared in a trap within my own bed. He was angry that I brought another companion to bed? What did he expect? This male was far better company and love should be allowed to flow freely. It should not be held hostage by some… fool.

Enough of that. There are mortals to tend to. Hmm. It might be fun to see what that woman will do if she falls for that man. Oh, what will her sister think? There is but one way to find out. Tonight will not be an empty one.


  1. Again i really have to say how eloquent your writing is. You are an excellent writer. You are very good at writing from a feminine point of view. I am wondering though if there is any specific instances in your life that lead you to write with such emotion?

  2. You're so nice. I really love writing so this means a lot. As for personal experiences that led me to improve my writing skills, it's difficult to say how or why I can write with emotion. I mean, I did experience some hardships in my life, but none of this had to do with romance so it did not help much for my entry from Aphrodite's point of view. Normally, I find my inspiration from music. I'll build playlists in an attempt to put myself in a particular mood and then, once I try to focus my attention on those feelings, I'll allow my fingertips to dance over my keyboard. I'll spend my time analyzing people and places around me, too, to help me discover different emotions and ways of thinking. Whenever I'm unsure of something, I'll gather books and pour over the information until I can recite it with little trouble. I think that I had three books on Aphrodite by my side in addition to the packet we received in class when I wrote both entries as Aphrodite. I tend to grow nervous when I portray a character that is not of my own creation so I wanted to make sure I could give this my all.

    I look at every assignment as something to help me grow as a writer so I put forth as much effort as I can in order to learn and develop my writing skills. It also helps a bit that I tend to be an emotional person.

    That was a long response and it took me a while to reply to you. I'm sorry about that and for rambling a bit. Thanks again for the comment, though. =)
